Monday, September 28, 2009

1st Asia Superyacht Conference announces more keynote speakers

'ONE015 Marina Club at Sentosa Cove will host the 1st Asia Superyacht Conference, featuring top calibre speakers from around the world.'


Superyacht Singapore Association (SSA), organisers of the 1st Asia Superyacht Conference to be held 13-15 October in Singapore, has announced further enhancements to the conference.

Dr Aji Sularso, Director General of Marine & Fisheries Surveillance of Indonesia, is a new keynote speaker who will be discussing both the opportunities for cruising superyachts in Indonesia and also how the Indonesian Government can expand the opportunity through marine tourism investment and deregulation.

Simon Turner of the SSA commented, 'We are delighted to welcome Dr Sularso to the conference for what will be a critical presentation that the industry across the whole region is keen to hear.'

Danielle Mass will also be adding her international superyacht insurance experience to the programme and will be delivering a presentation on behalf of Chartis Insurance covering transport, operation and maintenance insurance considerations for superyachts in Asia.

Another new speaker on the programme is Nick Coombes of Asia Pacific Superyachts. Nick has 16 years experience as a Superyacht captain and is also a regional expert on maintenance and refit. In addition to the presentation, Asia Pacific Superyachts will be hosting a networking drinks reception on the floating bar at ONE°15 Marina Club on Monday evening, 12th October.

A formal dinner has also now been added to the programme on Tuesday 13th October which will be hosted by the Official Conference Hotel, Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa. The dinner will follow the networking drinks reception sponsored by Sevenstar Yacht Transport.

The conference continues to book well with delegates attending from over 30 countries from around the world. 'It’s exciting to see so many companies that are new to us booking for the conference. Delegates from within and outside the region will have an unprecedented opportunity to make new business contacts and learn about the business in Asia,' commented SSA Executive Director, Jean-Jacques Lavigne.

About The Conference

The 1st Asia Superyacht Conference will take place on 13-14 October at ONE°15 Marina Club (one of the sponsors) on Sentosa Island in Singapore. The two day conference will be followed by a day of marina visits in Singapore on the 15th to view Superyacht facilities.

The main conference, lead sponsored by MTU, aims to set an agenda for the Asian superyacht industry by understanding the opportunities and limitations for both superyacht cruising and building in the region. The conference includes over 25 speakers from 15 different countries with a focus from China to Australia.

For more information, please contact Ms Priscilla Tang at or download the latest programme brochure at

Boediono`s Maluku visit Expected to promote Sail Banda 2010

Antara, Saturday, September 26, 2009 15:03 WIB

Banda Neira (ANTARA News) - Vice President-elect Boediono`s visit to Maluku is of strategic significance for the promotion of Sail Banda 2010, Maluku Culture and Tourism Office head Florance Sahusilawane said here on Saturday.

"Boediono`s visit to the spice islands in Maluku is a sign that the gong for the promotion of Sail Banda 2010 has been sounded, because it is the vice president-elect who will spearheaded the campaign to promote the international sail event," Sahusilawane said.

She said Boediono`s presence in Banda Neira from Saturday to Monday (Sept 26-28) was an indication security conditions in Maluku were conducive for the international event which will follow the Sail Bunaken 2009 which took place in Agust this year in Manado, North Sulawesi.

"The preparedness of the people of Banda to receive Boediono indicates that they are also ready to host Sail Banda 2010," Sahusilawane said, adding that the event was to be organized as an international marine expedition.

She said the idea to hold the international event was being designed by adopting the past period of "hongitochten", punitive expeditions conducted by the Dutch to suppress uprisings in Seram, particularly in the clove-rich peninsula of Hoamoal and nearby islands with traditional boats.

Therefore, Sahusilawane called on villages across Maluku which have typical traditional boats to take part in and liven up Sail Banda 2010.

She said the promotion of Sail Banda 2010 would not be very difficult because the Banda islands were already known worldwide as the "spice islands", while UNESCO had named the islands one of the world`s heritages.

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu said recently that some 150 sail boats from a number of countries had been registered to take part in Sail Banda 2010.

"I met Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik in Jakarta recently and he said about 150 sail boats have signed up for the international maritime event in Maluku next year," the governor said.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dutch help Bay Area plan for sea level rise

By Julia Scott, San Mateo County Times, 09/21/2009 05:20:10 PM PDT

A conceptual example of "tidal embracing development" in Foster City that accommodates sea level rise with a series of wetlands, a short levee with a public park behind it, and a thicker levee protecting apartment buildings. (Conceptual drawing courtesy Arcadis)

A conceptual example of "tidal embracing development" on the San Francisco waterfront 50 years from now. The first level of the building has some limited uses but allows water to flow through. The second floor is more protected, and the building has a "green" roof to absorb stormwater. (Conceptual drawing courtesy Arcadis)

SAN FRANCISCO — How to plan for sea level rise, a still-abstract concept for many Californians, drew serious consideration from engineers, designers and urban planners from the Netherlands and the United States at a symposium Monday.

A group of government-sponsored Dutch experts presented a report with strategies to deal with sea level rise in San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta based on a year's worth of research in partnership with the Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

With 50 percent of the Netherlands below sea level, the Dutch have been perfecting flood protection for the past 600 years.

The inevitable effects of climate change in California, and how cities can adapt to them, are starting to get more attention from Bay Area planners. While no one knows exactly how sea level rise will play out 100 or 200 years from now, analysts agree that more severe and frequent floods are going to be a part of it.

Avoiding sea level rise is by now impossible. The Bay has risen 8 inches since the start of the 20th century, and scientists worldwide agree that the Bay Area in particular can expect to experience sea level rise of as much as 16 inches by midcentury and as much as 55 inches by 2100.

Extreme storms will increase annual risk of flooding from 1 percent to 100 percent if no actions are taken to protect the Bay Area shoreline, potentially endangering 270,000 residents, according to the Pacific Institute. Development along the shoreline is currently valued at $62 billion.

How to plan for a future in which some of that real estate is threatened by storm surges — for a time beyond what today's urban planners will live to see — is the crucial question, said Will Travis, executive director of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

"We're in the same position as the captain of the Titanic. By the time he looked up, it was too late — he was going to hit (the iceberg)," he said. "We need to stop trying to protect the Bay Area the way it is.

Instead, we need to design it for the way it will be in the future."

That future may involve dismantling development in some places and letting the tide take its course, according to the report. Regional leaders may decide that some areas, such as the Port of Oakland and both regional airports, are too valuable to lose and must be protected at all costs. Other areas could be transformed to incorporate rising tides into the heart of a city.

The key is to begin asking those questions now, especially as several major developments at the edge of the Bay await approval, including Treasure Island and a Cargill saltworks site in Redwood City. Those areas were singled out in the report as "hot spots" for the Bay, meaning they represent the types of development most at risk from sea level rise.

"Just as in an emergency room, making these policy decisions will be difficult," Travis said. "It may be better to abandon some places than to allow the houses to be built and then try to protect them from flooding."

Frustratingly little is known about how well protected the Bay Area is from a serious flood even now, according to the report. (Cities on the Bay are expected to prepare for a once-in-a-century flood, but the shores of the Netherlands are armored with flood gates and other equipment strong enough to withstand a once-in-10,000-year onslaught from the North Sea.)

While many of the Bay Area's most vulnerable and valuable areas are protected by federally certified levees, they were all built before planners became aware of how sea level rise would change the whole equation.

Simply building higher levees is not a silver bullet, however. The Dutch came to that conclusion in 1995 after major flooding through the country's interior estuaries made them rethink the policy of walling off every section of river. They invented a new concept, called "living with water," designed to embrace sea level rise. They raised houses and let water flow underneath them. The government bought farmland along waterways and turned it into tidal wetlands, which naturally absorb water.

"People realize we can't just raise levees forever. If something goes wrong, you have an entire city that will be flooded in an instant. Water is a fact — we need to do something about it," said David Van Raalten, project manager for the pilot project between the Netherlands and California and a principal in ARCADIS, an international engineering and consultancy firm.

Rather than propose a series of tailor-made design solutions for each Bay Area "hot spot" based on a Dutch blueprint, the report offers a new way of thinking about what types of development ought to exist in which area. Zones with high economic value might continue to fill the Bay and expand with the help of levees and sea walls. Another option, labeled "tidal embracing development," could involve urban tidal canals carved into the suburbs or parking lots that retain storm water underground.

The Dutch government has formed similar partnerships in most of the world's most vulnerable water regions, including Louisiana, Indonesia, the Yangzee Delta in China and the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, with the goal of sharing expertise and learning from each other.

The Dutch government spent 120,000 euros, or $176,000, on the Bay Area pilot project and is proposing to invest another 100,000 euros for further research in California, provided the state can match the money.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Indonesia Ornamental Fish Show 2009

The Jakarta Post,

Venue: Jakarta Convention Center - Date: Thu, 10/08/2009 - Sun, 10/11/2009

The Indonesia Ornamental Fish Show 2009 (IOFS), an official exhibition and business from of the Ministry of the Marine and Fishery, is designed to promote the richness and multi-variety of hundreds of Indonesian ornamental fish and aquatic products. As the largest archipelago country in the world, Indonesia has been a leading fish ornamental and aquatic products exporter to all parts of the world.

Besides showcasing ornamental fish and aquatic products, the show is also displaying supporting products and accessories of ornamental fish.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recreational Fisherman Comes to the Rescue!

Many Threatened and Endangered Species Sea Turtles die a slow and tortuous death everyday in NC gill nets! North Carolina Recreational fishermen are continually doing what they can to free these beautiful creatures from these underwater "walls of death"!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Punishing waves

The Jakarta Post, Mon, 09/07/2009 6:35 PM

Residents of Podiaman, Banda Aceh, observe high waves that brought down a number of trees on a nearby beach. The high waves have destroyed hundreds of houses along the beach, near Banda Aceh. JP/Hotli Simanjuntak

Thursday, September 3, 2009

NMFS Report: Loggerhead Turtles at Risk of Extinction; NC Coastal Waters Play Major Role

WASHINGTON – It's a scene that scientists say is all too common: A commercial fishing boat pulls in a net full of shrimp or tuna and finds a loggerhead sea turtle mixed in with the catch.

Biologists like Matthew Godfrey say one or two such takings can happen every day among fishing fleets off the Southeast coast. Those numbers can add up to thousands annually for a turtle species that has traveled the oceans for 200 million years but now faces a growing array of threats.

Godfrey is among the authors of the latest federal report on loggerheads that says most groups of the ancient reptile are at risk of extinction — in large part due to increased commercial fishing.

The study, released last month, predicted broad population declines across the globe in the coming years, including in a nesting area along the southeastern United States that is one of the world's largest.

"Unfortunately, a lot of times the target fish habitat and the turtle habitat overlap," said Godfrey, of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. "The turtles are air breathers, so they need to get to the surface, but if they're tangled up in the net, they can't get to the surface, and they essentially drown."

Loggerheads have been listed as a threatened species since 1978. This latest report puts new pressure on the government to upgrade their status to endangered and further restrict commercial fisheries.

But even the increased awareness that an endangered listing would bring might not save the turtles, which migrate thousands of miles through the sea.

Meaningful protections require broad global cooperation given the turtles' far-flung travels. Fishing operators already are chafing under regulations aimed at protecting the animals, and further restrictions could draw strong opposition and fresh concerns about hurting coastal economies.

"These trends are very difficult to reverse. It's like turning a big battleship," said Blair Witherington, a research scientist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission who helped write the report. "We really ought to be doing it now."

The report was commissioned by the National Marine Fisheries Service as a result of petitions from environmental groups, who say the government is moving too slowly to protect loggerheads and have sued to force stronger actions. Many of the study's authors work for the federal agencies that will decide whether to change its status to endangered.

For the first time, the study called for dividing loggerhead populations into nine distinct global populations, a potentially key recommendation that would allow each to be studied and protected as a separate species.

It said seven of those nine populations are in danger of extinction, including two along U.S. coasts: the major population in the Atlantic Ocean, which has nesting concentrated along the coasts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, and a smaller population that migrates through Pacific waters off the West Coast and Hawaii.

Aside from fishing, the report said other major threats include coastal development that disrupts nesting, such as erosion-control barriers and other structures that prevent mothers from nesting and bright lights that can disorient hatchlings. The animals and their eggs are also still hunted for consumption in some parts of the world, the report said, and will probably be threatened by changing sea levels from climate change, which could wash away nesting habitats.

The U.S. and other countries already have adopted a number of protections, but the report said their effectiveness has been incomplete.

Since the mid-1990s, shrimp trawlers have been required to use gear that allows turtles to escape, for example. But the National Marine Fisheries Service has estimated that nearly 650 turtles a year are still killed by shrimpers in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

In April, federal regulators restricted the use of long fishing lines for catching red grouper off Florida's western coast after studies showed that as many as 800 loggerheads were caught by the lines every 18 months. The temporary ban, from mid-May to mid-October — when sea turtles feed in the warm Gulf waters — angered fishing operators, who said it could kill their business.

"I don't know what else they could expect us to do," said Woody Moore, a commercial fisherman out of Jacksonville, Fla., who said he thinks the dangers posed by fishing fleets are exaggerated.
"I've never in my life caught a dead one," he said. "And I've been fishing 30 years."

Elizabeth Griffin, fisheries campaign manager at Oceana, an advocacy group that has sued the government to protect loggerheads more aggressively, acknowledged that significant steps have been taken but said the turtles remain largely unprotected in the water.

She said the United States, which hosts about 90 percent of loggerhead nesting off the Atlantic Ocean, should heed its own scientists' advice. "We're a key player in preventing loggerheads from going extinct in the Atlantic so we really need to be a leader on this issue," Griffin said.

Therese Conant, deputy director of the Fisheries Service's endangered species division and another of the report's authors, said the government would probably issue a proposed decision in February on whether to change the turtles' status.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

House asks additional budget for maritime ministry

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 00:56 WIB

(ANTARA/Ampelsa/*)Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The House of Representatives (DPR) has asked the government to increase its budget allocation for the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (DKP) in 2010 to Rp4.5 trillion.

Fishermen show yellow tuna in Banda Aceh seaport.

"A budget of Rp3.104 trillion has been agreed. Now we are asking for Rp1.4 trillion in budget addition," chairman of DPR`s Commission IV for maritime and fisheries affairs, Arifin Junaidi, said after a hearing with the DKP minister here on Tuesday.

Commission IV of the House initially asked the government to set a provisional budget ceiling of Rp6 trillion for the DKP in 2010.

But the provisional budge ceiling that has been agreed for 2010 accounts for Rp3.104 trillion only.

"If the additional budget could not accepted for the 2010 budget, we will do our best to ask for additional Rp1.4 trillion in the 2010 revised budget," he said.

Tsunami early warning system fails during W Java quake

Antara, Wednesday, September 2, 2009 19:06 WIB

Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi (ANTARA News) - A tsunami early warning system or TEWS installed at Palabuhanratu Beach, Sukabumi district, West Java, did not work well when a powerful earthquake rocked the area at 02:55 pm on Wednesday.

7.3 shock: An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale jolted the southern part of West Java at 2:55 p.m. on Wednesday. The tremor was felt as far as Jakarta and Yogyakarta in Central Java. (The Jakarrta Post)

ANTARA News learned at the beach on the occasion that the TEWS sounded for 10 seconds but then stopped.

At the same time, electricity in the area was also down.

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale shook southwest Tasikmalaya, West Java, on Wednesday at 02.55 pm Western Indonesia Standard Time (WIB), causing people as far as in Jakarta to be panic-stricken.

The quake`s epicenter was located at 8.24 degrees southern latitude, and 107.32 degrees eastern longitude, according to information from the meteorological, climatology, and geophysics (BMKG) office.

Meanwhile, head of the Palabuhanratu Fishery Port (PPNP), Arief Rahman said the quake did not have the potential to trigger a tsunami at the Pelabuhanratu because the region was blocked by the Ujung Genteng Beach.

"But if another aftershock happens, people are suggested to immediately take the evacuation route," Rahman said.

Information obtained from the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, said the quake`s epicenter was at 142 kilometers southwest of Tasikmalaya, West Java at a depth of 30 kilometers beneath the sea level.

The quake that lasted about one minute was also felt in Jakarta and some areas of West Java.

However, about 200 fishermen who were at sea were not disturbed and continued their activity.

There were no immediate reports of casualties and damage caused by the earthquake.

Related Articles:

Powerful Indonesia quake kills 15, flattens homes

Six dead as major earthquake strikes Indonesia

BMKG website down after quake

President instructs West Java governor, Tasikmalaya regent to be alert after earthquake

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Businessman to develop Islamic resorts

Indra Harsaputra and Achmad Faisal, The Jakarta Post, Surabaya | Tue, 09/01/2009 5:45 PM

A Sumenep legislative council member confirmed reports that two islands off Madura had been sold to a businessman who intends to develop them into resorts.

Councilor Badrul Aini said Tuesday that businessman Zainal Seniya bought the islands and had leased them to Canadian and Singaporean investors.

“Both Sitabok and Seradeng islands will be developed into maritime resorts equaling Bunaken [North Sulawesi],” Badrul said.

Local cleric Dailami Abu Hurairah, who is close to the businessman, said the two islands would be Islamic resorts and target Middle East tourists.

“We have been involved in the project and will help operate the maritime resorts, which will follow an Islamic concept,” Dailami said.

He said many Middle East tourists felt uncomfortable with major tourist destinations like Bali, which do not promote Islamic values.

Deputy Sumenep Regent Mochammad Dahlan said the two islands belonged to the state and had not been sold to anyone.

RI Navy to buy two submarines in 2011 or 2012

Monday, August 31, 2009 22:42 WIB

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy intends to procure two submarines in 2011 or 2012 at a total cost of about US$700 million, its chief, Admiral Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, said here Monday.


"The procurement plan for execution in 2011 or 2012 is currently being worked out by the defense ministry," Parijanto told the press after installing a new chief for the Indonesian navy`s Eastern Fleet Command.

"We still have to decide from which country we will buy the submarines and also have yet to determine their specifications. We may buy them from Korea, France or Russia," he said.

At present, the Indonesian navy had two German-made submarines but they were of very old vintage, he said, adding one of them some time ago underwent an overhaul, and the other now would follow suit soon.

The navy had yet to determine the specifications of the two yet-to-be-purchased submarines but it was clear that they must have capabilities on a par with or , if possible exceeding, those of subamrines owned by neighboring countries, he said.

It was hoped the additional submarines would enable the navy to guard Indonesia`s vast maritime territory in a more effective way, the navy chief said.

Meanwhile, the post of chief of the navy`s Eastern Fleet Command based in Surabaya was transferred from Rear Admiral Lili Supramono to Commodore Ignatius Dadiek Surarto who was previously commander of the main naval base in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Rear Admiral Lili Supramono was to be reassigned as a special assistant to the navy chief of staff at the navy`s headquarters.

Related Article:

RI yet to choose prospective submarine supplier

Indonesian Navy intensifying security of outermost islands

Monday, August 31, 2009 22:52 WIB

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian navy continued intensifying operations to secure the country`s outermost islands in anticipation of possible occupation by foreign countries.

Navy chief of staff Admiral Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno told newsmen here on Monday he had already prepared special forces to secure the islands.

"So far we have not received reports about disputes over the islands but we keep securing them," he said at the handing over of the post of commander of the Eastern Fleet Command from Rear Admiral Lili Supramono to Commodore Ignatius Dadiek Surarto.

He said that although with limited personnel and equipment, the navy remained committed to seriously carrying out its duty to secure the regions.

The navy`s warships in their operations to secure the islands are also assisted by ships from the police and other institutions.

"For the security in Ambalat six warships remained in place to anticipate possible infiltration by ships from Malaysia. Naval personnel are ready to intercept in case a foreign ship is infiltrating," he said.

Tension was rising in the region when Malaysian ships conducted manouvering and infiltrating the waters some time ago.

In connection with reports about the sale of a number of isles in several regions Admiral Tedjo said it was impossible to happen because they were not for sale.

"What I know is that no isle has been sold but probably they are just leased to investors. It is a mere misperception which must be straightened out," he said.

The new Eastern Fleet Command chief, Commodore Dadiek Surarto, used to be the chief of staff of the Military Seaborn Command and the VIth Navy Main Base in Makassar. Rear Lili Supramono has been assigned as a special staff to the navy`s chief.