Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Working Together to Protect Our Oceans

Alaskan seafood is known worldwide for its superior quality. Alaskan seafood is fresh, wild, full of nutritional value and, of course, delicious! Additionally, this seafood comes from fisheries characterized by a dedication to sustainable fishing practices. For individuals concerned about the environmental implications of their food choices, Alaska seafood is the perfect solution. Alaskan fisheries understand that sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. This ensures that Alaska's unique ecosystems will remain protected from fishing-related environmental degradation, and that future generations will be able to enjoy the same fresh, quality seafood as we do.

Alaskan fisheries employ a number of methods in order to safeguard the future of fish populations and surrounding ecosystems. Protected sites have been established to conserve natural habitats and conduct environmental research. Commercial fishing in these zones is very limited and subject to strict regulation; in many areas, it is almost entirely banned. These marine life sanctuaries are a critical aspect of Alaska's sustainability strategy, and Alaska's fishing communities remain dedicated to their preservation, recognizing that sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. These communities understand that the protected zones have been introduced in order to prevent environmental damage and ensure that natural ecosystems continue to thrive alongside Alaska's fisheries.

Alaska's fisheries management approach also involves a variety of regulations that guarantee that Alaskan seafood stocks remain wild and abundant. Restrictions are imposed on the types of fishing boats and equipment used, as well as the total amount of seafood that may be removed from Alaska's waters in a given time period. Such limitations prevent the depletion of Alaska's fish populations and other natural resources. This is another way in which sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. In Alaska, environmental conservation always takes priority over commercial opportunities.

Alaska's internationally recognized success in implementing effective sustainability practices is the result of a joint effort by government bodies and fishing communities to prevent overfishing and conserve Alaska's natural ecosystems. Alaskan fisheries understand the need for continued preservation of the state's valuable resources and wildlife. Alaska's strong commitment to sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future.

Alaska's fishing industry leads the world in environmental protection measures. From efforts to improve traceability to strict enforcement procedures, Alaska continually shows how committed it is to preserving the ocean for the next generation.

Tips When Starting Your Own Fisheries

Fisheries have two major functions. One is to sell to the consumer and the other is to produce a product. Most require you to purchase in bulk, meaning that you must have the funds to make large purchases. The Government is also known for making large purchases from these fish farms for the purposes of stocking public watering holes.

If you would like to start a fish hatchery, then you could raise exotic fishes, which are usually sold for use in home aquariums. The cost of purchasing a large aquarium, along with the necessary accessories is relatively low, compared to the cost of other business startups.

In many instances, the Government offers grants for this type of business. Be sure that you contact the Fish and Wildlife department in your State to find out the details and how to apply for a grant to start a micro-enterprise, if such a grant exists. Ask if you are eligible under the criteria mentioned therein. Obtaining a grant would further encourage you in your business, as these funds need not be repaid, so you would be ahead financially from the start.

The good news is that breeding a fish takes little effort from you; the work is done by a fish. All you have to do is get a few, high priced exotic fishes and breed them according to instructions that are readily available in any number of places. You could always start with one that is of a cheaper variety d as you gather confidence about your abilities in taking care of them, you could try some of the more expensive varieties.

Getting your fisheries established is only half of the equation when you are running a fish farm. The other half involves developing a marketing strategy that allows you to develop a good rotation in your stock. You do not want one to die of old age in your tank while waiting to be sold.

There are many ways to sell one. You could go to pet exhibitions and offer discounts for multiple fish purchases. You could also attend or organize a community event and market your product so that it appeals to children.

You also need to know everything you can about breeding the exotic fish that you choose to sell. You should also know all the stories and background about your fish as well. This information will aid you in your marketing process.

While running fisheries requires a degree of technical know-how that will help you get the most of the stock you have, your general knowledge of the breed itself is what will create interest and intrigue among your prospective customers, compelling them to buy one.

Responsibility at Every Level Can Bring Sustainability to Fishing Everywhere

Responsible marine stewardship enlists the help of experts to determine the standards that fisheries should be held to. Fisheries must meet a range of criteria in order to be considered sustainable. One thing that marine stewardship looks at is the sustainability of the fish stocks. A fishery must be operating at a level that ensures the future of a fish population indefinitely. Fisheries must show that their activities do not over exploit the fish stocks that they are pursuing. Another standard that fisheries must satisfy is that their methods of fishing and their equipment inflict minimal environmental damage.

They must show that the methods and tools that they use for fishing do not negatively affect the productivity, structure, diversity, or function of the ecosystem of the marine life that they are seeking. The goal of responsible marine stewardship is to reduce the collateral damage that fishing inflicts as much as possible while still allowing the industry to continue with business. Another thing that fisheries must demonstrate is that they have an effective and efficient management system in place. Having proper management is important in order for the fishery to be able to change and adapt to any environment changes that might occur. Maintaining sustainability in the face of situational changes can be difficult but effective management can handle it.

These are just a few of the standards that responsible marine stewardship imposes on fisheries in order to make sure they are operating in a sustainable fashion. While these qualifications might appear rather stringent, they are necessary for the continued well being and survival of both the fish populations and the jobs of the fishermen. The idea of sustainability applies to all members of this relationship, from the fish to the people, all the way down to consumers. Exercising awareness and responsibility are the most important things to do when trying to achieve sustainability because people must notice the vulnerabilities of nature and how their equipment and actions hurt them. A little extra thought and creativity can easily transform a fishery into an eco-friendly, sustainable operation.

Interested in learning more about fishing in Alaska? You'll find great bios of some of the state's most famous fishermen at the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Fish, Our Future - Sustainable Fisheries and Protecting the World's Fish

Fisheries provide a significant amount of the world's protein supply. That is until recent times. By now you've probably been subject to an onslaught of campaigns championing such things as slow food and sustainable habitats; and while you are not one to slack on doing your part to forge ahead and go green, it is often quite confusing what it is you're supposed to do exactly. For instance, when it comes to the matter of fisheries, sustainable practices and general eco-friendliness, there isn't a whole lot of clarity in the matter. However, the fact is, many of the species of fish we consume and even those we don't, are dying out. Their populations are being depleted due to overfishing. According to the grim facts, the world's fishing fleet is 250% larger than what the ocean can reasonably produce.

Some of the key issues facing the whole idea of making fisheries sustainable is human population growth, overfishing, habitat destruction and alteration, introduction of foreign species, water quality, and global warming.

That is a big, glaring list. But here are some things that can be done in an effort to make fisheries sustainable.

First, fishery management needs to be improved. This means fishing capacity needs to be reduced to a level that the ocean can sustain. It also means reducing fishing pressure so that depleted fish populations can recuperate.

Furthermore, fisheries policy needs to be strengthened, i.e. governments need to act in a concerted manner to advocate conservative fishing policies. Illegal fishing must be dealt with a strict had. And, fairer fisheries partnership agreements need to be established.

Another step in the effort to make fisheries sustainable is to reduce the impacts of fishing altogether. This means promoting the use of selective fishing gear that does not destroy the environment, eliminate completely destructive fishing practices such as bottom trawling and integrating conservation into fisheries management.

Most importantly, sustainably caught seafood needs to be promoted. Consumers need to know the facts. Seafood needs to be labeled or Eco-labeled. Standards need to be kept, the world needs to be in the know. In this way we can save the world's fish and make fisheries sustainable again.

Interested in learning more about fishing in Alaska? You'll find great bios of some of the state's most famous fishermen at the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.

Cod Supply - Under Threat

Why is there a problem?

Because supply isn't limitless. The Northern Cod Fishery off the eastern Canadian coast use to yield over 100,000Tns per year but then collapsed to practically nothing in the early 90s. Quite simply without proper management of the fisheries across the oceans the same will happen elsewhere.

Cod - What is it?

There are two types:

• Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) - comes from the Atlantic, funny enough, and is the most favourite fish eaten in the UK - accounts for approx 21%of sales volume across all of retail, catering etc.

• Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalis) - comes from the Northern Pacific It is wild caught (there are some tentative attempts to farm it), it spawns in the spring and can line to the age of 25 years reaching close to 100Kg.

Cod inhabit the northern shallow shelves of the Atlantic and Pacific. And the species form massive discrete shoals that stick to a certain part of the ocean - they have their own spawning areas etc. These shoals, or bio stocks, are approx 24 in number and each shoal corresponds to one of the 24 stock management units assessed and measured by the different international organisations (eg The UNs Food & Agricultural Organisation, European Union, etc.).

Who is doing what to conserve stocks?

Fisheries management has to balance sustainability and fishermen's livelihoods. So, catching plans take a long 5-10 year view to slowly rebuild but to keep fishermen in business. Closer to home, the following are being implemented by the EU in the North Sea, Irish Sea, West of Scotland etc:

• Reductions in the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) - the TAC reduced by a further 13% in '07 vs '06 in some of our local fisheries

• Using larger mesh sizes so the smaller younger fish escape

• Reducing the number of days boats are allowed out fishing

• Protection of spawning grounds

Graham Keegan

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tips When Starting Your Own Fisheries

Fisheries have two major functions. One is to sell to the consumer and the other is to produce a product. Most require you to purchase in bulk, meaning that you must have the funds to make large purchases. The Government is also known for making large purchases from these fish farms for the purposes of stocking public watering holes.

If you would like to start a fish hatchery, then you could raise exotic fishes, which are usually sold for use in home aquariums. The cost of purchasing a large aquarium, along with the necessary accessories is relatively low, compared to the cost of other business startups.

In many instances, the Government offers grants for this type of business. Be sure that you contact the Fish and Wildlife department in your State to find out the details and how to apply for a grant to start a micro-enterprise, if such a grant exists. Ask if you are eligible under the criteria mentioned therein. Obtaining a grant would further encourage you in your business, as these funds need not be repaid, so you would be ahead financially from the start.

The good news is that breeding a fish takes little effort from you; the work is done by a fish. All you have to do is get a few, high priced exotic fishes and breed them according to instructions that are readily available in any number of places. You could always start with one that is of a cheaper variety d as you gather confidence about your abilities in taking care of them, you could try some of the more expensive varieties.

Getting your fisheries established is only half of the equation when you are running a fish farm. The other half involves developing a marketing strategy that allows you to develop a good rotation in your stock. You do not want one to die of old age in your tank while waiting to be sold.

There are many ways to sell one. You could go to pet exhibitions and offer discounts for multiple fish purchases. You could also attend or organize a community event and market your product so that it appeals to children.

You also need to know everything you can about breeding the exotic fish that you choose to sell. You should also know all the stories and background about your fish as well. This information will aid you in your marketing process.

While running fisheries requires a degree of technical know-how that will help you get the most of the stock you have, your general knowledge of the breed itself is what will create interest and intrigue among your prospective customers, compelling them to buy one.