Sunday, October 25, 2009

Morowali residents still missing in ship incident

The Jakarta Post | Sun, 10/25/2009 8:10 PM

Four residents of Morowali, Central Sulawesi were still missing as of Sunday afternoon after their boat was overturned and sunk in the waters between Samarengga and Koikola islands five days earlier.

Antara state news agency reported that Yusdin, Eko, Rendy and Tombo were still missing.

“We found Wasisa who survived the incident. We are still looking for four people,” Winardi, the head of operations at the Morowali Police, said in Palu on Sunday.

He added that more than 20 people including personnel from the local police office and administration were searching for the missing people.

“We will continue searching until next week and hopefully we will find them,” he said.

Head of the Morowali Resort Police AKBP Deden Garnada said a huge wave had hit a ship carrying residents from Menui Island who were fleeing their villages, fearing a tsunami, after a 5.8-magnitude earthquake jolted their island last Friday and Sunday.

“They panicked at that time and boarded a ship that would carry them to Sulawesi,” Deden said.

He added his office suspected that there were too many people onboard the ship, which was probably a major factor in the incident.

“Fifty people boarded a ship that was meant to only carry 30 people,” he said.

Three residents died in the incident. (ewd)


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