Monday, November 30, 2009

Working Together to Protect Our Oceans

Alaskan seafood is known worldwide for its superior quality. Alaskan seafood is fresh, wild, full of nutritional value and, of course, delicious! Additionally, this seafood comes from fisheries characterized by a dedication to sustainable fishing practices. For individuals concerned about the environmental implications of their food choices, Alaska seafood is the perfect solution. Alaskan fisheries understand that sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. This ensures that Alaska's unique ecosystems will remain protected from fishing-related environmental degradation, and that future generations will be able to enjoy the same fresh, quality seafood as we do.

Alaskan fisheries employ a number of methods in order to safeguard the future of fish populations and surrounding ecosystems. Protected sites have been established to conserve natural habitats and conduct environmental research. Commercial fishing in these zones is very limited and subject to strict regulation; in many areas, it is almost entirely banned. These marine life sanctuaries are a critical aspect of Alaska's sustainability strategy, and Alaska's fishing communities remain dedicated to their preservation, recognizing that sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. These communities understand that the protected zones have been introduced in order to prevent environmental damage and ensure that natural ecosystems continue to thrive alongside Alaska's fisheries.

Alaska's fisheries management approach also involves a variety of regulations that guarantee that Alaskan seafood stocks remain wild and abundant. Restrictions are imposed on the types of fishing boats and equipment used, as well as the total amount of seafood that may be removed from Alaska's waters in a given time period. Such limitations prevent the depletion of Alaska's fish populations and other natural resources. This is another way in which sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future. In Alaska, environmental conservation always takes priority over commercial opportunities.

Alaska's internationally recognized success in implementing effective sustainability practices is the result of a joint effort by government bodies and fishing communities to prevent overfishing and conserve Alaska's natural ecosystems. Alaskan fisheries understand the need for continued preservation of the state's valuable resources and wildlife. Alaska's strong commitment to sustainable fishing helps to protect our oceans for the future.


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