Wednesday, February 10, 2010

US Pacific Fleet and Indonesian Military Talk Security Before Obama Visit

Jakarta Globe, Camelia Pasandaran, February 10, 2010

The commander of the US Pacific Fleet said on Wednesday that he would ensure security during next month’s visit to Indonesia by US President Barack Obama and his family.

“I look forward to the opportunity next month to cooperate with the TNI (Indonesian military) and the government of Indonesia in ensuring the security of the entire visit,” Robert Willard, US Pacific Fleet Commander, said at the Presidential Palace.

“In my discussions with my counterparts in the Ministry of Defense and the military, they talked about their commitment to our president’s security, which we’re very grateful for,” he said.

“In addition, when the president travels in this region of the world, the US Pacific command is generally called upon to provide assistance for his security. But we’re very confident in the security arrangements that you will make and in the capabilities of the Indonesian military to fulfill their responsibilities in terms of our president’s secure visit.”

Willard’s statement was delivered during a press conference after his meeting with President Yudhoyono regarding security and military cooperation between the two nations.

“The president said that the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the US have started well and will be advanced with the comprehensive partnership plan that will be signed by President Obama and President Yudhoyono during next month’s visit,” Dino Patti Djalal, the presidential advisor for international relations, said at the palace.

“He and I were discussing advancing the relationship between our militaries, the roles that Indonesia play – very important roles in this region – and of course the visit of our president that will occur next month,” Willard said.

“We’re very grateful for the help that Indonesia has provided in areas such as counterterrorism, in the progress of your economy and the leadership that you are providing within the region,” he said.

“We’re very fortunate to have a strong relationship with the TNI and it is part of our responsibility to see that over the years, from the US side, that it continues to advance.”

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that the Indonesian military will carry out regular security procedures for Obama’s visit.

“They (the US Pacific Fleet) also said that they wanted to bring their own security system. I said, go ahead, because he’s their president,” Purnomo said.

Up until now, there has been no announcement concerning the exact dates of Obama’s visit.

“I cannot announce it,” Dino said. “We’re still discussing it.”

Dino said he could also not yet announce the locations that Obama would visit during his stay in Indonesia.

“This is a state visit and there has been a fixed route during his visit,” he said.

When asked whether Obama would visit his old elementary school in Menteng, Dino said that it was being planned but he could not announce it yet.

“If I announced it, and it did not happen, it means I have jumped too far ahead,” he said.

“As good host, we will try not just to make the visit to a success, but also make it a historic visit.”


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