Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alaska Manages Its Fisheries For Superior Seafood Quality and Sustainability

What is sustainability? In Alaska sustainability is a word inextricably linked with the seafood industry. Alaska's successful management practices of its fisheries are viewed throughout the world as the standard in natural food resource sustainability. What does sustainability mean? It means that fisheries will be able to operate not just today, but tomorrow and for many years to come, and do so without negatively impacting the natural environments and ecosystems found within Alaska's icy waters. As such, those protecting Alaska seafood must manage to control overfishing, pollution, and of course habitat damage so that seafood species may not only exist but flourish in the coming years. The standards and restrictions put in place for Alaska fisheries are not simply a frivolous political move tied to the organic food movement, but a longstanding set of regulations as written into the 1959 Alaska Constitution which mandate that "fish...be utilized, developed and maintained on the sustained yield principle."

What are some of Alaska's successful management practices? To begin with a limit for the number of fish or specimens of a seafood species which can be harvested is set for each season, known as the Total Allowable Catch. After this number has been reached, all fisheries must cease to harvest for the season. Setting seasons is also important in allowing seafood species to complete their natural migratory and spawning patterns uninterrupted to ensure the creation of future generations. Others of Alaska's successful management practices are restrictions on boat size, restrictions on the type of gear used to fish, the direct prohibition of some types of dangerous or damaging gear, limitations on the number of operating fisheries, and further methods of management and control.

Where does the information to make these rules and regulations come from? Each year the stocks of seafood species are assessed, but by teams of not only scientists but statisticians and quotas are established. The numbers set and regulations put in place are agreed upon by officials from the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Research on external factors to the fisheries and fishing industry is also completed, such as the socio-economic, environmental and climatic changes happening in the fishes' natural habitats in the icy cold Alaskan waters. Finally, these methods must be enforced strictly to maintain the standard that all fisheries must adhere to these practices or be disallowed to operate within Alaska and/or Alaskan waters.

If you are a seafood fan, or are just getting started with seafood as part of a heart healthy diet, you've surely noticed that fresh caught, wild seafood tastes the best. The superior quality and look of wild Alaskan seafood cannot be beat, making it one of the most sought after types of seafood on the planet. Thanks to Alaska's successful management practices, generations to come will be able to enjoy Alaska seafood too!

It's up to us to protect the planet. Check out the sustainability tips from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. Alaska's fishermen have a long tradition of effective resource management to ensure that generations to come can enjoy fresh seafood.


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