Friday, December 12, 2008

Latino love songs and a man in drag

Isla Chiloe has preserved it's traditional customs more than other parts of Chile, which have embraced commercialism and consumerism much like Americans. Still, the tunes coming out of most homes, cars, and stores, even in the small fishing towns, has been fairly mainstream latino music. Luis Fonsi, a Puerto Rican native, is a phenomenal hit right now. I'd be willing to bet I've heard this song (No Me Doy Por Venecito) at least a dozen times per day...In the hip talk-show scene of Chile, one odd character, Rupertina, is quite famous. She is a man in bad drag, and although I can't fully understand her sense of humor, she's a household name. Check her out if you like: In addition to slow love songs, young Chileans also love Reggaeton. It's pretty hard not to like the beat. Here's a very popular artist down here, and a song that's an sign of the global influence of the internet and virtual friend network. As best as I can interpret, the singer is singing about a virtual girl who doesn't actually exist... Other popular artists here in Chile, if you are now converted, include "Camila", "Alexis and Fido", and "La Oreja De Van Gogh". This is contemporary Chile, and it's broadcasting even into the small coastal towns.


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