Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saludos del Sur

Warm greetings from Delcahue, Isla Chiloe, Chile. I decided to venture down to Chile, because this country has an immense coastline, because fishing is very important to its economy, and because I’d never been south of the equator. I’m now sitting at 45 degrees south. It really is summer down here when it´s winter “up there”.

I didn’t many any binding plans as to where I’d go once I arrived in Chile. The basic plan was to ask as many people as posible as to which region of the country had significant comercial fishing this time of year. Once I’d gotten enough responses, I made a decision, moved to the area recommended and repeated the process. In this manner I’ve continued heading south to a small town of Dalcahue, by way of the town of Castro, Isla Chiloe, the small city of Puerto Montt, and the capital of Santiago.

For those interested I’ll include a brief mention of observations I´ve made as I passed through these various towns. The hot item in Santiago this Christmas, it seems, are dancing plastic ponies and robotic, cartwheeling stuffed-animal dogs. Puerto Montt is rich with hand-knit shawls, sweater, and socks. Isla Chiloe is full of amazing little hawks, which also somehow also resemble pigeons, almost too common but endowed with the ability to move in ways which never get dull to obseve. I’m temporarily calling these pigeonhawks unitl I learn their true name. Castro, amazingly enough, has buildings bragging more of a color spectrum than Newfoundland. Delcahue has shellfish everywhere you turn- in its art, crushed shells lining its streets, on restaurant plates. Clams, mussels and oysters are being cultivated just offshore, markets offer lukewarm shellfish to anyone brave enough to dare. And all parts of Chile are well endowed with breasts. I don´t intend for this to be inappropriate or sexual or funny, and no I haven´t been looking any more than at the shells or pigeonhawks. I believe it´s just a fact here in Chile- an honest observation- not to be taken any farther than that. Delcahue also has lots of small fishing boats, so I'm excited to see what's going on on the water in these parts.


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