Thursday, March 19, 2009

Four Indonesians stand trial over drugs smuggling in Japan

The Jakarta Post, Tokyo | Thu, 03/19/2009 7:22 PM

Four out of 12 Indonesians stood trials on Thursday and are facing charges on 300 kilograms drugs they smuggled during their ways to reach Moji seaport in Fukuoka, Japan, while taking Sierra-Leone flagged cargo ship.

Indonesian Deputy Ambassador for Japan Ronny P. Yuliantoro said that his office had deployed two officials to monitor all the court processes.

“All defendants have had lawyers accompanying them during the trials. The Fukuoka Court has provided some translators so as they can understand all explanations given during the processes,” he told Antara state news wire.

On Nov. 11, 2008, the Japan Coast Guard arrested cargo ship “Universal” along with the 12 suspects at Moji seaport and confiscated 300 kilograms of amphetamine worth Rp 2.3 trillion (US$191 million) from them. (ewd)


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