Saturday, March 21, 2009


Chong Kneas, Tonle Sap, CAMBODIA
Targeted fish: Tricman, trionday, tridiep, trira, tritoe, compote, chiroba, trifra, trichidao (some English names, which might correspond with above fish: spotted featherback, catfish, snake catfish, soldier croaker, sheatfish, giant snakehead, carp)
Fishing methods: seine, gillnet, canoe trawl, castnet, Khmer dipnet, fish weir, fish trap
Footwear: bare feet for life
Favorite local sayings: “Sus-dai!” (hello) “Coconut!” (mocking the American)
Local food: Rice, and fish soup. Sometimes grilled or fried fish. Cigarettes.
Drink of choice: ice, Tonle Sap lake water, tea
Local entertainment: really bad Khmer talk radio. Khmer news on the television, viewed for about an hour after dark, run off a generator.
Local music: traditional music of the ganong, back-and-forth male-female duos with Indian influence, Thai-style women singing slow songs of heartbreak.
Select Local Fishing Boats: No names. The boats are built to last, heavy and deep, painted sparingly.
Local Fruit: very little affordable for the floating houses, but nearby: bananas, dragonfruit, mango, tamarind, oranges, pineapple, apple, papaya, pear, coconut, grapes, jackfruit


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