Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Three foreign fishing boats nabbed for alleged poaching

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The marine and fishery ministry has nabbed one Vietnamese and two Thai fishing boats suspected of poaching in Indonesian part of the South China Sea.

The three foreign fishing boats were detained for violating the Law No. 31/2004 on Fishery, Aji Sularso, the ministry`s director general for supervision and control of marine and fishery natural resources, said here on Monday.

Indonesia`s patrol boat Hiu 003 apprehended a Vietnam-flagged fishing boat while the foreign boat`s crews were fishing by using an equipment called a purse seine in the Indonesia Exclusive Zone (ZEEI) in the South China Sea.

Skipper Doan Hai Van of the Vietnamese boat with no. GT 91701 TS failed to show necessary documents such as a fishery business license (SIUP) and a fishing license to the Indonesian authorities, Aji Sularso said.

The Vietnamese boat and its 23 crew members were nabbed on March 14, 2009, and currently being being at the Pontianak fishery seaport in West Kalimantan, for further investigation process, he said.

Meanwhile, the two Thai fishing boats were seized by Indonesia`s patrol boat Hiu 4 in the ZEEI`s South China Sea on March 18, 2009. The Thai boats used trawls and had no required documents, he said.

The Thai fishing boats were currently being held at the Tarempa Naval base, Anambas District, in Riau Islands Province, for investigation process, he said.

MV Thepprnchai 2 has two crew members and MV Marksia 02 has nine crew members, all of them from Thailand.

Recently, Indonesian naval vessels also captured Taiwanese and Singaporean fishing boats for poaching in Indonesian territorial waters.

Spokesman for the Navy Commodore Iskandar Sitompul earlier said the `Hwang Jyi Long` Taiwanese fishing boat was arrested in Ranai waters, Natuna islands, while the Singaporean tug boat and barge - TB Marcopolo-107 and TK Marcopolo-108 -- were captured in Bengkalis waters, North Sumatra, on March 12, 2009.


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