Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cold Stun Events Bolster Argument for Game Fish Designation for NC Speckled Trout

Reports of tens of thousands pounds of Speckled Trout being scooped up with dip nets while they were either dead or cold stunned are raising concerns. According to eyewitnesses many trout were dipped at night by fishermen using bright lights to illuminate the stunned fish on the creek bottoms.

Due to the archaic method of reporting fish sales and transactions at the NC fishhouses, it may be months before we actually see the numbers of trout that were harvested as a result of these cold stun events. More importantly, some of these harvested trout may have been taken from "inland" waters where they have "game fish" status, and thereby illegal to sell.

The fact that the Speckled Trout (Spotted Sea Trout) is the number one targeted saltwater sportfish in NC by saltwater anglers, and it is also targeted ferociously in the winter months by commercial netters and giggers in their winter sanctuary creeks, makes the argument for "game fish" status for statewide waters even more potent!

The combination of recreational fishing pressure, commercial netting and gigging, and the natural phenomenon of Cold Stun events, create an ever increasing pressure on the sustainability of this fish that cannot continue.

The commercial harvest of this fish must come to a halt now. The Speckled Trout is a "game fish" in inland waters, and should be afforded this protection throughout all NC waters.

Due to the effects of Cold Stun events, the Speckled Trout historically has never been a dependable source of income for commercial fishermen. In years following Cold Stun events, the revenues generated commercially have been minuscule. Monies from the saltwater fishing license fund could easily pay the commercial fishermen who harvest Speckled Trout to not harvest them.

This concept is not new, as farmers have been subsidized to limit or cease production of certain crops. We have the means and the ability to do the same here in NC with Speckled Trout. The last ten years, the Speckled Trout has only represented .4 percent of the entire commercial harvest values. That's right, less than 1/2 of one percent. Yet the pursuit of this fish by recreational fishermen easily pumps over $50 Million dollars into the NC economy, and that number is growing!

The bottom line is this; The Speckled Trout here in NC cannot stand the combined pressures of Cold Stun Events, Commercial Fishing, and Recreational Fishing. A tough allocation decision needs to be made and made soon.

With the dollars generated by recreational fishing for Speckled Trout, more than enough funds are available to cover the .4 percent needed to subsidize the commercial fishery out of the Speckled Trout business. It just makes plain common sense!

Understanding the fact that NC is the fastest growing state east of the Mississippi River, the increased pressure from recreational fishing will only continue to grow. The dollars generated by this activity is too important to all of NC and especially the coastal plain and coastal towns!

Game fish status for Speckled Trout along with fair compensation to commercial fishermen who would be adversely affected economically is a workable and feasible solution to the problem.


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