Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fishery exports to reach $2.9b in 2010: Ministry

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 01/07/2010 6:09 PM

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry is aiming to increase the total export value of fishery products to US$2.9 billion this year, from $2.3 billion last year.

Fishery minister Fadel Muhammad said Thursday the surge in exports would be backed by the recovery of Indonesia’s traditional export markets such as the United States, Japan and countries in the European Union.

“We are also branching out to the lucrative Middle Eastern market,” Fadel said on the sidelines of a press gathering at the ministry.

The Middle Eastern market has the potential to contribute up to 12 percent of Indonesia’s total export value of fishery products, he said.

Indonesia’s fishery exports in 2008 reached $2.6 billion, up by 15 percent from $2.25 billion in the previous year.

The ministry’s data shows that as of November 2009 the fishery sector has contributed Rp 128.8 trillion or 3.12 percent of the country’s GDP. (adh)


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