Monday, January 18, 2010

Irish Yacht Abandoned on Indonesian Reef

Jakarta Globe

An Irish racing yacht that struck a reef near Indonesia's Gosong Mampango Island will stay there, media reports said Monday.

The Cork Clipper was taking part in a round-the-world race when it hit the reef off Kalimantan's west coast early Thursday morning.

The crew used lifeboats to get to nearby rocks where they were rescued by other racing boats, according to the Press Association.

Salvage experts determined the vessel was too badly damaged to be floated off the reef.

"It is with very great sadness that we have to accept that Cork Clipper will remain on the reef as we lose her to the sea," race organizer Sir Robin Knox Johnston was quoted as saying.

The website criticized the decision, saying there was "no responsibility taken for the fact" that local residents "did not ask for more plastic to be left on their pristine reefs."

"[H]ow can we, as sailors who call the ocean our home, not be held responsible for making some effort to retrieve our rubbish, arguing merely that it is 'not economic' to do so?" wrote Sail-World's Des Ryan.


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