Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cilacap fishermen reject power plant construction

The Jakarta Post, Cilacap | Tue, 05/25/2010 9:57 AM | The Archipelago

CILACAP, Central Java: Fishermen in Bunton village, Adipala district in Cilacap regency, have raised their objection to the plan to construct a steam power plant called PLTU Bunton.

In a joint statement, the fishermen, who are grouped under the Cilacap Sea Fishing Port Association, said the plan may disrupt their fishing activities as shown through the presence of another power plant, PLTU Karangkandri, some 20 kilometers away.

The group’s leader, Srigito, said that the fishermen were not against the power plant but ships carrying coal to the plant.

“Much coal brought by the ships has spilled into the sea and may be responsible for causing pollution that kills marine life.

“For us, less fish means less income,” he said. — JP


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