Saturday, May 8, 2010

West Nusa Tenggara eyes international marine event

Antara, Lombok | Sat, 05/08/2010 8:45 PM

Sail Indonesia September 2009

West Nusa Teggara (NTB) province has all the supporting facilities needed to host an international marine event dubbed Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012, a local tourism official said.

"We have all supporting facilities, we have potential, and therefore we want to host an international marine event in the province," NTB Culture and Tourism Office spokesman Lalu Gita Ariadi said in Lombok on Saturday.

Gita said he had proposed that West Nusa Tenggara host such an international marine event in 2012 with hundreds of participants from various countries being predicted to attend.

"Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012 will be a precious moment for West Nusa Tenggara to promote its abundant tourism potentials," Gita Ariadi said, adding that he had sent a letter of request to the Culture and Tourism Ministry to host the event.

In Sail Bunaken 2009 last year, he said the participants sailed by the northern coastline of Lombok, while the participants of Sail Banda this year would go through two courses namely the northern and southern parts of the island.

According to Gita Ariadi, Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012 would be a good momentum for West Nusa Tenggara to net even more tourists into the province.

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammat at Senggigi resort in Lombok Barat regency said on Friday he would make Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012 part of his program to support the development of the tourism sector in the province.

"It will be West Nusa Tenggara's turn to host an international marine event through Sail Lombok-Sumbawa, in 2012," Fadel said in the company of Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik after conducting pearl harvest at Senggigi resort on Thursday.

The pearl harvest was part of Lombok Sumbawa Pearl Festival 2010 which was centered at Sentosa Hotel on Senggigi tourist resort in Lombok Barat regency.

Fadel said the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry would continue to organize sail event every year.

Meanwhile, West Nusa Tenggara Governor Zainul Madji said he would continue to make things ready for the implementation of Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012.

"Besides hosting Sail Lombok-Sumbawa 2012, West Nusa Tenggara will also be ready to organize International Seaweed Forum in the same year," the governor said.


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