Friday, May 7, 2010

Three ocean expeditions to be launched this year

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 05/07/2010 7:34 PM

Indonesia would launch three expeditions in its waters to discover new findings on its biodiversity and carry out ocean mapping this month, scientists said Friday.

"There will be three ships launched [for the expedition]: the BJ [Baruna Jaya] VIII... BJ III...and BJ IV," Gellwynn Jusuf, the head of the Maritime and Fisheries Ministry's Maritime and Fisheries' Research Division (BRKP) said in Jakarta.

The expedition team aboard Baruna Jaya III, called Java Upwelling Cruises, would cooperate with First Institute of Oceanography from China to carry out a research in the Indian Ocean, south of Java.

The Baruna Jaya IV would cooperate with OKEANOS ship from the United States to conduct research in the Sangihe Talaud waters north of Sulawesi, while researchers from Indonesia, Australia and Timor Leste would conduct research in the Arafura sea using the Baruna Jaya VIII.

Local institutions involved in the projects include the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), BRKP,and the Technology Application and Assessment Agency (BPPT).


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